- Come up with 3 to 10 key words with which you want to be found!
- Make sure that your Meta data, including the Meta titles and Meta descriptions are optimized. Use your key words for this and a combination thereof. This is still an important and easy way to optimize your website.
- Be sure to also optimize your titles and subtitles with your essential key words. This way, the folks at Google will know with which words you want to be found!
- Add Google Analytics to your website, register here and add the tracking code to your website. Now you will be able to analyze your visitors’ stream. How long do visitors stay? How many pages do they see? Where do they come from and with which words are you being found?
- Set up such social media accounts like Facebook and Twitter and place items from your website on these. Do not forget to include the corresponding link to your website. Social media is still a growing, important factor in the Google algorithms.
- Add social share buttons to your articles and products. This way, the people will spread your message for you. The most popular buttons are the Facebook button and the “E-mail a friend” button.
- Think up creative and innovative ways of placing your social share buttons. Those “feel good moments”, for example, when someone has just made a purchase, score particularly well.
- Set a search function on your website, if you haven’t done so already; this will enable you to analyze the search words people use. Try to discover new connections and make sure your visitors find what they need. When a much-sought subject is not present, consider making it available.
- Create a special landing page for one or two key words with which you want to be found. Optimize these pages for those key search words (and any combination thereof). Add call-to-action buttons, a contact form and any related texts that may serve your objectives. Vary and test this out until you have the best conversion page possible! Have a look at the homepages of our clients – Dinerbon.com or the Reclamebureau Amsterdam page or Green Creatives.
- Keep creating content! Good content is still king! Articles, videos and photos of added value almost automatically attract visitors and customers to your site. These may also include guides, tips, events, reviews or a “10 best ways to..” list, (like this one!)
Want more tips about SEO? Reach out to us, because we can help you out with this part.